Learning to ADAPT

  • Dr Alison James: Associate Dean, Learning & teaching LCF

Brief description of session and activities

The ADAPT Programme (Auditing the Development of Academic Practice and Thinking) has been running at LCF for six years and is an interactive workshop designed to expand understanding of all aspects of inclusive learning, teaching and assessment. To date, over 360 participants have engaged in ADAPT events to explore assumptions around disability, specific learning difficulty and other topics in recent Equality legislation. The outcome of these workshops is to enable staff to support all aspects of the student experience better and perform their roles and duties with a greater awareness of, and ability to apply, the central principles of Equality legislation in practice.

Of particular interest to Learning and Teaching Day is how we support students in relation to accommodated assessment and the way our teaching and learning delivery relates to this. In this workshop participants will sample the ADAPT approach and materials and see how it might relate to their own situation and future actions.

How will students be involved in the session?

Through their personal narratives and in vignettes, either in illustrations, podcasts or in person.

What will participants take away from the session?

Materials and approaches and the ability to have an ADAPT workshop, either as part of staff development at LCF or on a trial basis at the other Colleges.