Lost and Found: Past and emergent pedagogies at UAL

  • Nicholas Addison: Lecturer and unit leader for APP, CLTAD

This Poster session starts at 12:40 in the Upper Street Gallery. Back to Poster Sessions

Brief description of session and activities

I’d like to introduce a new research project ‘Lost and Found’ investigating pedagogies in Art, Design and Communications at UAL and its constituent colleges, c.1974-2015. It aims to identify and articulate learning and teaching practices, past, present and emergent during a period involving major institutional change: from independence through to university status. These shifts are embedded within socio/cultural developments: global, market-based, philosophical, political and technological, that have informed pedagogic aims and approaches. Nevertheless, these developments remain somewhat tacit and under-theorised at the level of pedagogic practice. I’m at the stage of recruiting a team and considering a methodology. I’d be happy to share some thoughts.