'Screen Writes' Redux

  • Dr Mark Ingham: Contextual and Theoretical Studies Coordinator, Spatial Communication and Contextual & Theoretical Studies, LCC

This Workshop starts at 10:30 in room T1101. Back to Parallel Session 1

Brief description of session and activities

The workshop will be a hands on collaborative session involving the production of a collaborative blog using mini iPads. This will echo the highly successful workshops session held at the Screen Write Symposium held at LCC in June which was funded by the HEA and Writing-PAD and LCC. More information about the Symposium can be found at: Screen Writes

This workshop will combine the ‘Rhizomatic Learning / iPad Project’ that is on-going at LCC with the issues raised by the introduction of Writing Workshops by CTS in all Year 1 Design units that was interrogated at the Scree Write Symposium.

Will students be involved in the session? If so how?

They can be but for this workshop it will benefit staff more.

What will participants take away from the session?

They will see the advantages and disadvantages of using mobile technologies in the class room for teaching blogging and writing skills.