One to one - Interdisciplinary discourse, Oxford University and University of the Arts London

  • Sigune Hamann: Reader in Art and Media Practice, Lecturer in BA Graphic Design, Camberwell College of Arts
  • Jonathan Kearney: Course Leader, MA Fine Art Digital and Postgraduate Programme Director, Camberwell College of Arts


One to one is an experiment in teaching and learning at the meeting point of art, design and science. In short playful introductions and experimental workshops we test and build interdisciplinary discourse across BA, MA, PhD and Early Career Research levels using images.

Art, Design and Curation students from CCW introduce themselves and their projects in one to one meetings with images to Neuroscience students at Oxford University and vice versa. Their exchange is further developed during collaborative one to one experimental making sessions in printmaking and darkroom photography at Camberwell College of Arts. The processes, facilitated by specialist technicians, allow for elements of chance and constant collaborative negotiations of decisions in developing the images.

The learning experience is enriched through a programme of MRI demonstration, research presentations on neuroscience of vision and perception, sensorimotor system and language disorders at Oxford Centre of Human Brain Activity.

One to One is a project with the artists Sigune Hamann, Reader in Art and Media Practice and Jonathan Kearney, Postgraduate Programme Director and Course Leader MA Fine Art Digital at Camberwell College of Arts. One to one is part of Sigune's residency in Experimental Psychology in collaboration with neuroscientist Prof Kia Nobre, Oxford University. The project is coordinated with the Wellcome Trust Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging public engagement ambassador, Naiara Demnitz and is funded through a Teaching and Learning Fund Award, University of the Arts London.