LCF Lab-Colab

  • Dr Natascha Radclyffe-Thomas: Course Leader BA (Hons) Fashion Marketing, LCF
  • Lindsey Riley: CL BA Accessories and L&T Coordinator SDT, School of Design and Technology


LCF Collab-Lab explores the conference theme by outlining and analysing a design for learning that spans, transcends and connects disciplines across all three LCF schools. Collaboration at LCF is central to many aspects of the curriculum, however generating cross course, programme and school collaboration is difficult. The project aims to create a space where students can learn about their disciplines and others by engaging with students and staff from outside of their parent course. The project aims to learn from this process to allow the development of a student led collaborative community across the college. This work will feed into the thinking for the developing cross college collaborative unit as part of the LCF Credit Framework Review.

The project taking place this January will take the form of a cross college collaborative exercise that mirrors the connection and interplay conducted in reality within the fashion industry between design, marketing and visual promotion departments, thereby equipping the students with future employment and enterprise skills. Students will work to a shared engaging brief, based around fashion in the distant future. This will be facilitated by a series of workshops that will act as a site for collaboration across the disciplines. We will scaffold this collaborative workflow by building links between courses that maps onto common collaborative paradigms in the fashion industry. Existing links between Marketing, Illustration and Craft based courses will be used to seed collaboration between students on the brief, utilising a three-stage process whereby students will build collaborative relationships and realise and idea that transcends a number of disciplines.


In addition to the above presentation, a collection of photographs by Lindsey Riley will be on display during the conference. The exhibition can be found in the area around room A218 and the Digital Media Suite, 2nd floor, block A.