Health and Safety is your friend

  • Eleanor Pirie: Head of Health and Safety, UAL
  • Brookie Fraser Jenkins: Health and Safety Advisor, LCF
  • Niall Campbell: Health and Safety Advisor, CSM

This Lightning talk starts at 13:40 in room T303. Back to Lightning Talks

Brief description of session and activities

Health and Safety is typically seen as a barrier to the creative process, stifling risk taking  and innovation but this is not our experience.  Between us we have We will discuss, with the use of a single example, how the process of risk assessment can be harnessed,  facilitating the work and providing students with a planning tool and practical experience that will benefit them after graduation.

The example we will use has not been decided on but will be from the University and illustrate how students (and staff) have produced exciting work that required engaging with the process of risk assessment to produce exciting work that might otherwise have not been given the go ahead.

Will students be involved in the session? If so how?

The presentation will include an  example of work that students have completed  and how they used the supposed restriction of complying with ‘elf and safety’ to achieve their plans and should not be a barrier to risk taking.

What will participants take away from the session?

An appreciation of how H&S tools can be incorporated into the learning process in support of creativity.