We have created an end of year space for all UAL staff to discuss and share their most pressing educational issues, educational research interests and priorities.

The Open Call for ExEd 23 has meant that your contributions have defined the conference agenda and themes under the broad headings of the student perspective on Day 1 and staff concerns on Day 2.

This year’s proposals focus on an active engagement with Techniques and Processes, our first theme. An exploration of Educational Spaces, is our second theme, whilst a deeper engagement and concern with the experiential we have organised into our third theme of Lived Experience. We have responded to feedback from the previous two years that there was ‘too much’ content to choose from, and pared back to 3 themes, delivered through 3 Team’s meeting rooms.

However, there was also a fascinating offer of ‘Other’ formats and interesting proposals that seemed unique. We have a fourth strand simply entitled Unique Sessions. These unique sessions also include three in-person events at the end of Day Two. A conference social event is designed as a “Thank You” to this year’s Presenters and a Meet the Presenter’s networking opportunity.

Clicking on the theme titles below will take you to the corresponding Teams Meeting 'room'.

  • Techniques and Processes

    Techniques and processes focusses on a wide range of educational initiatives and innovation presented in a more technical and evaluative manner.

  • Educational Spaces

    This theme explores a range of spatial metaphors, in-person and online realities and hybrid learning, discursive and imaginative spaces including the spontaneous need for community in itself.

  • Lived Experience

    We have a continuing, generous and compassionate, interest in the role of lived experience in education. Theses sessions include the sensory and affective, or embodied dimensions of the educative and validate both individual and collective experience.

  • Unique Sessions

    These are unique sessions, in name and form, and provide additional material. Three of these are in-person on Day Two, after the formal end of the final conference keynote and before the in-person social event.

  • Keynote Room

    The opening and closing of the conference and all 4 keynotes will take place in the keynote room

  • Social Event

    At the end of Day 2 at LCC, all Presenters are warmly invited to a social event as a ‘Thank You’ for their contributions; and all staff and attendees are invited to ‘Meet the Presenters’. Do join us for this closing in-person networking event with food and drinks. Register here.